
I had never been to California.

My mother and my sister had been to tour FIDM, where my sister was potentially going to school while at sat in my single door room closet writing essays and studying for final exams. I watched my sister's instagram stories and her social media posts, and of course I was miserable. I wanted to be in the California sun and experience the atmosphere of a place I wanted to be one day.

When I opened my last present on Christmas Day and saw the cute, poster that my mom had created (or one of her friends she paid) that stated "California here we come!" I was more excited than ever to finally see the sites of another world.

The best part of the whole thing was that I got to skip all four of my classes. I had to miss two days of school for flying time. I got to go home for a night and sleep soundly in my bed that I called my home and get up at four in the morning to sit through a six hour flight watching movies and my favorite television series, like Unforgettable and Mad Men with my favorite leading man Jon Hamm.

I expected to see blue skies and numerous palm trees when we landed, but as I looked out the window all I could see was mountains, and skies that were the color of raging fires in the distance. The clouds were dark grey, and when I walked outside the airport with my bag full of school books I felt a slight chill hit my skin. This was not what I expected of California.

I starred out the window of the rental car on our way to the luxurious hotel that my mom had booked us at and very stars had probably previously stayed at before. I looked up at the tall apartment buildings, Los Angeles seemed congested and your neighbor next to you could probably see you getting changed or  taking a nice hot bath at night.

I stayed on my phone most of the day, occasionally looking up at the sites when my mom or dad would point them out. I thought about being back in Boston. I didn't have the excitement anymore of being in California, and as I sat shivering in cute aesthetically pleasing restaurants outside looking over the Malibu pier I wish I could just be in bed already.

The next two days I felt the same. As I walked on the streets of Los Angeles and looked at the people's faces who walked by me I hoped that I would run into someone famous. That didn't happen until my family and I were eating breakfast at the Malibu Country Mart and my mom and dad started freaking out that Anthony Hopkins from Silence of the Lambs was sitting only a couple of tables away from us. I didn't know who he was, he just looked like a cute little old man.

It was on the last day though, the last full day. That I felt the excitement and happiness that I felt when I opened my present on Christmas Day. It didn't start out like that though.
My family and I arrived and parked about a block away from the entrance to the beach of the Santa Monica Pier. I was pissed that my dad didn't just park in the beach parking lot and that we had to walk at least another mile to rent bikes to ride down the beach. It was hot and sweaty. I didn't want to take the effort to take off my denim jacket that I was wearing because it looked so cute with the outfit I had on, and my toes were searing with pain from the endless amount of walking that I had already endured.

I had to admit the ocean was beautiful and so was the view of the famous Santa Monica Pier. I of course took pictures using my new camera that I had gotten for Christmas. My sister started to complain that she did not want to ride a bike, and she wanted to try out the scooters that people were zipping past us with. We went up to the pier and watched as people enjoyed the rides and I wished I could at least ride the ferris wheel, but I followed my parents down the stairs and up to two twenty year old girls who explained to us that the only way to use the scooters, which were called, The Bird, was to get an app on our phone and find where they were using a location app and renting them for a dollar an hour.

I was annoyed. More walking. And for all we knew the only scooters would be located across town. And we needed four of them. To our luck, there was four of them lined up next to each other only a couple minutes walk away. My sister and my mom easily started their scooters up using the app but I began to get frustrated at my phone who still had a passcode that enabled me from downloading any apps. And my dad couldn't download the app either because his iphone had been provided from his job. Although I finally started my scooter up after giving my mother my phone and unlocking my app store, my dad still hadn't manage to.

He told us to go have fun without him but my mother ushered us to go back to the area we had gotten the bikes from so he could ride a bike while my sister, my mom, and I would ride the scooters. Although we had to go all the way back to the place we had come from at least I didn't have to walk, and we could ride our scooters while my dad trailed behind us. Of course when we got there my father refused to rent a bike from the place because they asked him to leave his license behind, and yea my dad didn't want to do that.

My mom yelled at him and told him he was always the one causing the problems, but we rode down to the building over where we had eaten the night before where they were also letting people rent bikes.

Finally we were ready to ride down the Santa Monica Beach. We started in the middle of the path and not starting at the very beginning because we would have to go back. It was cute that the road was specifically made for bikers and cyclists
