
Showing posts from April, 2021

I lost my best friend and job during the same month.

Loss.  It's not something I've ever experienced until my junior year of high school when I physically lost a close family friend, as well as my grandmother- they both died of cancer.  They say sometimes losing someone or something can be more painful when it's not a physical death. How could that be?  Because you know that person or thing still has to continue on with their life without you in it. And you have to learn how to move on as well. I've had friends come and go. They've left just as quickly as they've come in. But nothing has been more impactful than this one.  We met over two years ago, after we bounded over our experiences. I've never related to anyone more than I did to this girl. I felt like she got me. We spent every waking minute together. She knew my past, my secrets, and my weaknesses- and I knew hers. She was my soul mate. The best friend I had been looking for my entire life, and the person I knew I could rely on.  It wasn't until the