
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Last Semester of College...

Picture taken from TW: This post mentions topics relating to anxiety and depression. College can be too much. Freshmen year I transferred schools after two bad experiences with my roommates that left me living in a single for the last couple of months at my first school. When I got to Emerson as a sophomore, I was ready to have a good college experience...until I ended up in an abusive relationship that sent me to the hospital my first semester in Boston. Throughout the next two years, it was heart break after heartbreak. Friends and lovers that came and went just as quickly as college seemed to fly by before my eyes. More bad experiences, but not all bad. But...nothing I could look back on that made me say that college was the best years of my life. First semester of senior year, I was ready to crush it. I wanted it to be the best year yet, as the last three were just