
Showing posts from October, 2019

How I Spent A Month Helping A Level 3 Sex Offender

Picture taken from Trigger warning: this blog post talks about sexual assault and sexual abuse.  If you find yourself triggered, please reach out to a trusted friend or adult. Or please find the best resources you can to talk to someone. Also feel free to reach out to me, or call the National Sex Abuse Hotline:  1-800-656-4673 3 years ago, I was sexually coerced into losing my virginity. At the time, I was unaware that what was going on was a form of sexual abuse. I was convinced to the point of begging that losing my virginity to this boy made sense. After dating for a brief two months, with a whole year of mental abuse, and a WHOLE LOT of therapy and medication- I found myself giving in but feeling uncomfortable after it happened. I was told that what we were doing "made sense" after all. The next day, he dropped me off at school and sent me a text message before class. "We can't do this anymor