
Showing posts from February, 2018

Why America Is The Problem

We are only 47 days into the year of 2018. And in that time there has been 30 mass shootings in the United States. There has almost been as many shootings as days in 2018. No matter what your beliefs are about gun control in America, or your political views regarding our president or congress, 3 mass shootings in the span of 152 days is not okay. On Valentine's Day, a 19 year old purchased an assault weapon used for mass destruction and entered a Florida high school, murdering 17 people and injuring 15. Most of the people killed, were teenagers. I am a 20 year old college student going to school in Boston. When I heard the news about the mass shooting after a long day of classes, the anxious feeling I had walking to and from class every day on the busy streets of Boston grew, I was now terrified. The next day, I had to go to class pretending that everything was okay. I had to open my books and pretend I wasn't terrified, that in the next moment for all I knew, someone


I had never been to California. My mother and my sister had been to tour FIDM, where my sister was potentially going to school while at sat in my single door room closet writing essays and studying for final exams. I watched my sister's instagram stories and her social media posts, and of course I was miserable. I wanted to be in the California sun and experience the atmosphere of a place I wanted to be one day. When I opened my last present on Christmas Day and saw the cute, poster that my mom had created (or one of her friends she paid) that stated "California here we come!" I was more excited than ever to finally see the sites of another world. The best part of the whole thing was that I got to skip all four of my classes. I had to miss two days of school for flying time. I got to go home for a night and sleep soundly in my bed that I called my home and get up at four in the morning to sit through a six hour flight watching movies and my favorite television serie